let it move you
Later that evening, I felt another surge of big feelings rising up inside of me (why is it always in the evening??). Sensing that this was a big one, I retreated to my designated safe space and sat, pressing one hand into my heart space and one over my lower belly. I began to breathe deeply and slowly, trying to loosen the reactive tightening around the pain.
It wasn't working.
I could feel the pain, panic, and fear rising and swirling into a storm. Then the line from this book came to mind - "to move through...to move out..." I realized that my instinctive tightening around the parts that were hurting was keeping the emotions stuck when they needed to move.
I repeated the phrase in my mind - "let it move...let it move you"
"Let it move you" likely came to mind because it is a line from a popular song on Christian radio. But it has nothing to do with this moment, other than that line giving my mind something to hold on to.
I kept breathing and reminding myself that my emotions cannot harm me.
It was a long wrestle. But I could feel that my efforts were taking me in a good direction. So I kept at it.
Breathe low...breathe slow...let it move you...
After a time, the intensity subsided. I stayed with it a while longer, feeling exhausted but somehow also cleansed. Like after a really good cry, only bigger.
Later that night and the next day I pondered the majesty of the experience. That book had been checked out to me for almost 3 full renewal periods - the max that this library allows.
I hadn't read it.
It just sat there at the bottom of my stack of books, and though I almost returned it early once or twice, I just didn't. No big feelings or "premonitions". I simply left it there.
Then, that week, lacking a new book to read and without really thinking much of it, I decided I would get it done. I counted how many pages I would need to read each day to finish before it was due (for real) and started reading.
I think I had only started it the day before this experience, yet I made it halfway through the book.
I had been wanting to feel the feelings again - to remember the love and grief for my deceased children. This book sure did that for me. When I was ready.
I am so grateful for a God who works in mysterious ways, bringing me comfort, instruction, and healing through a worn-out book I should have returned to the library weeks ago. He knew how far I would get, and what I needed in order to make it through this experience wiser and more whole than before.
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