Some thoughts on surrender
Some unedited thoughts about the concept of surrender. I keep wanting food and lifestyle adjustments to be the only answer...I want to take care of this lupus thing myself without worrying about new medications or scary body changes...but I keep coming back to the grounding fact that lupus is real and medications are real. And real helpful. I keep wanting to push back and argue, "No, I can do this myself!". And I am reminded, "No, dearest, you can't". It's got me thinking a good deal about our relationship with God, and our embedded need for a Savior. There are SO many times in life I want to say, "No, I can do this myself". I got this. But the truth is - I "got" nothing. Jesus Christ is the only one with real power here. I am only accountable for my thoughts and actions at any given moment, and I want to choose Him more often. I choose to surrender to His love; His promises; His goodness; His grace. What does that look like? Stay tune...