
Showing posts from August, 2023

A DTR with dopamine

I've been thinking about this one for a while.  It seems like everyone is talking about dopamine these days. How good it feels to our brains, how it helps us regulate as humans, and how the modern world preys on our chemical systems like a hungry predator... 😳 Dramatic, perhaps, but unless we start using this beautiful brain of ours to filter and decide how and when we access these dopamine mines of the modern world, we may soon find ourselves needing more and more and more just to feel satisfied. More on why that matters in a minute. Dopamine is known as the "more molecule" in some circles. It's the messenger in your brain that says "That was good! Do it again" and "More please". Checking off a to-do item on a list, putting things back in their places, and the allure of endless novelty through scrolling media or exploring the endless internet are just a few examples of when this chemical response happens.  In his book, Indestractable , Nir Eyal e...

Now is New

  Last week, while I was out running, I listened to a guided run from Nike Run Club hosted by Coach Bennet and Andy Puddycombe. If you like running or want to like running, I highly recommend the guided runs at Nike Run Club (NRC) . They're fantastic. And free! Every time I listen I feel like it's got to be one of the modern world's best-kept secrets that you don't even have to pay money to use such a great tool and get top-quality coaching. Not an affiliate link, I'm just a passionate fan.  Last week I did "Morning Run" with Headspace. There were two different ideas they expressed that resonated with me and I thought, wow, I bet there is something really profound there if I stop to listen and think about it.  So here's the first one:  "The past is gone, the future isn't here yet. All there is is now" - Andy Puddicombe I know those two "is's" in a row look funny but as best I can remember that is how he said it. And it works...

A Lullaby

  This one showed up in my Instagram feed this week; I consider it a gift from Heaven just the day before Aubrey's 6th birthday.  Happy Birthday Aubrey Elizabeth.  I miss you.